The Next Phase of Financial Advisers: Integrating AI with Human Insight

The financial services sector is undergoing a transformative change with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). This shift is redefining the role of financial advisers from traditional technicians and intermediaries to holistic life planners and coaches. Karen Barrett, CEO and founder of Unbiased, emphasises that the next phase of growth for financial advisers has to be more human. This article explores how AI is influencing the financial advisory landscape and why the human element remains crucial.

The Traditional Role of Financial Advisers

Financial advisers have long been seen as technicians, paraplanners, and intermediaries, focusing on financial matters such as investments, savings, and estate planning. However, the role is evolving to encompass life planning and coaching, reflecting a more holistic approach to financial well-being. The essence of financial advising lies in the personal connection and trust built between an adviser and their client.

The Emotional Value of Financial Advice

Emotional intelligence is a critical component of financial advising. According to Vanguard, the emotional side of financial advice accounts for around 40% of its perceived value. Clients gain confidence in their financial positions, avoid impulsive decisions, and receive sensitive guidance on difficult issues like estate planning and bereavement through personal relationships with their advisers.

AI in Financial Services

AI is increasingly used in the financial sector, from fraud detection and customer relations to risk and wealth management. Over a third of finance leaders admit to using AI daily for both personal and professional needs. AI’s capabilities in processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns make it an invaluable tool in financial services.

AI and Financial Advisers: A Symbiotic Relationship

While AI offers numerous advantages, it is not a replacement for human advisers. AI can suggest optimal tax strategies and investment plans, but it lacks the emotional intelligence to navigate the nuanced sentiments associated with personal finances. The symbiotic relationship between AI and human advisers can enhance the quality of advice and service delivery.

Efficiency and Growth through AI

AI can streamline administrative tasks such as data processing, onboarding, maintaining client records, and compliance monitoring. This efficiency allows advisers to spend more time on meaningful client interactions and tailor their advice to align with clients’ goals. By leveraging AI, advisers can manage more clients without compromising service quality.

Personalisation and Insight with AI

Combining data-driven insights from AI with the emotionally astute knowledge of advisers leads to greater personalisation. AI can identify trends and patterns that may be overlooked by even the most attentive advisers, providing a deeper understanding of clients’ financial situations. This integration is particularly beneficial in areas like non-traditional investments and complex family structures.

Regulatory and Ethical Considerations

Navigating the regulatory landscape requires emotional intelligence and adaptability. Financial advisers operate under regulations that demand accountability and trust, which AI alone cannot provide. The human element is essential in interpreting and responding to regulatory changes.

Balancing Innovation with Human Insight

Integrating AI into financial advising poses the challenge of maintaining the personal touch that clients value. Advisers must strike a balance between leveraging technology for efficiency and preserving the human connection that forms the foundation of their relationships with clients. Strategies include focusing on communication, empathy, and personalised service.

The Future of Financial Advising

The role of financial advisers will continue to evolve with advancements in AI. Advisers will increasingly act as life coaches and planners, offering comprehensive advice that goes beyond financial matters. The integration of AI will enable advisers to provide more personalised, efficient, and insightful services.

Case Studies

Several financial advisory firms have successfully integrated AI into their practices. See The Planner AI Assistant in action in this 8 minute video: These case studies demonstrate the benefits of combining AI with human insight, such as improved client satisfaction, increased efficiency, and enhanced service delivery. Lessons learned from these firms can serve as best practices for others looking to adopt AI.

Client Perceptions and Expectations

Clients have mixed feelings about AI in financial advice. While some appreciate the efficiency and insights AI provides, others are concerned about losing the personal touch. Managing client expectations involves clear communication about the role of AI and the continued importance of human advisers.

Training and Development for Advisers

To effectively integrate AI, financial advisers need ongoing training and development. Upskilling advisers to work with AI tools and continuous professional development are essential for staying competitive and providing high-quality advice. This training should focus on both technical skills and emotional intelligence.


The integration of AI in financial services offers significant benefits, including increased efficiency, deeper insights, and enhanced personalisation. However, the human element remains crucial in building trust, providing emotional support, and navigating complex regulations. Financial advisers must embrace AI as a tool to enhance their capabilities while maintaining the personal connections that are central to their role.


How does AI improve financial advising? AI improves financial advising by streamlining administrative tasks, providing data-driven insights, and enabling more personalised and efficient service delivery.

Can AI replace human financial advisers? No, AI cannot replace human financial advisers. While AI can handle data analysis and suggest strategies, it lacks the emotional intelligence and personal connection that human advisers provide.

What are the risks of using AI in financial services? The risks of using AI in financial services include potential biases in data analysis, cybersecurity threats, and the loss of personal touch if not balanced with human interaction.

How do clients benefit from AI-enhanced advice? Clients benefit from AI-enhanced advice through more efficient service, deeper insights into their financial situations, and more personalised recommendations that align with their goals.

What is the future of financial advising with AI? The future of financial advising with AI involves a hybrid approach where AI supports advisers in providing more personalised, efficient, and insightful services while maintaining the essential human connection.

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