The True Essence of Financial Planning: Beyond Investment Returns

In an era where the allure of financial products often eclipses the profound essence of financial advice, a recent report by the Pimfa Under 40 Leadership Committee sheds light on an underlying issue that impedes the true purpose of financial guidance. The focus has disproportionately leaned towards investment returns and past performance, overshadowing the vital importance of aligning financial strategies with personal and life goals. This misalignment not only detracts from the essence of financial planning but also stands as a significant barrier to seeking advice, especially among women.

The Misplaced Focus on Returns

The financial industry’s preoccupation with the performance of investments has been identified as a key obstacle in the client-adviser relationship. This approach not only narrows the scope of advice but also alienates those whose primary concern isn’t the quantitative growth of their assets but rather the qualitative improvement of their life’s journey. Notably, women, who often seek a more holistic engagement with their financial futures, find themselves at odds with a system that prioritises numbers over narratives.

Bridging the Gap

The Pimfa report emphasises the necessity to pivot towards a more inclusive and empathetic model of financial planning. One that transcends the traditional metrics of success to embrace a broader spectrum of client aspirations. The findings suggest a dire need for the industry to integrate personal and life goals into all client interactions, ensuring that financial advice is not just about wealth accumulation but about enriching lives.

Next Generation Programmes

A promising solution proposed is the development of next-generation programmes tailored to meet the unique needs of diverse client demographics, including women with children. By fostering empathy and building stronger relationships, financial firms can enhance client retention and satisfaction. High-quality, in-person interactions that consider the client’s holistic circumstances are invaluable, providing a level of engagement that goes beyond the transactional.

Inheritance and Financial Communication

The report also delves into the dynamics of inheritance and the importance of discussing financial planning across generations. A significant gap in communication exists, with many families reluctant to broach the subject due to its association with mortality. Moreover, the transition of wealth management from one generation to the next is fraught with disconnects, highlighting an area ripe for thoughtful intervention by financial advisers.

The Role of Social Media

In an intriguing exploration of the digital age’s impact on financial advice, the report acknowledges the dual-edged sword of ‘finfluencers’. While they can fill an educational void, the rise of financial influencers also underscores the critical need for credible, professional financial planning services that can offer depth, accountability, and personalised advice.


As we navigate the complexities of the financial landscape, it’s imperative to remember that at the heart of every financial plan is a person, a family, a set of dreams, and a life to be lived fully. The industry must embrace this truth, shifting its focus from the mere accumulation of wealth to the fulfilment of life’s vast potential. In doing so, we not only elevate the standard of financial advice but also enrich the lives of those we serve, aligning their financial resources with their deepest aspirations and values.

Questions & Answers

Q&A for “The True Essence of Financial Planning: Beyond Investment Returns”

Q1: Why is there a focus on investment returns rather than personal goals in financial planning?
A1: The focus on investment returns over personal goals can often be attributed to the traditional approach of financial planning, which prioritises quantifiable success through financial metrics. This approach may neglect the broader aspects of an individual’s life and aspirations, leading to a misalignment between financial strategies and personal fulfilment.

Q2: How does this focus affect women seeking financial advice?
A2: Women, in particular, may feel alienated by a financial advice approach that overly emphasises investment returns. Many women seek a more holistic and empathetic engagement with their financial futures, preferring advice that integrates their personal and life goals. The industry’s current focus may not adequately meet these needs, thereby creating a barrier to engaging with financial advice.

Q3: What changes are being recommended to address this issue?
A3: The Pimfa report suggests several key changes, including integrating personal and life goals into all aspects of client interaction, developing next-generation programmes tailored to diverse client needs, and fostering a more inclusive, empathetic approach to financial planning. This would ensure that advice is not just transactional but transformative, enriching clients’ lives beyond financial metrics.

Q4: How can financial advisers make their services more appealing to those who are hesitant to discuss inheritance and mortality?
A4: Advisers can make their services more appealing by fostering an open, non-judgemental environment where clients feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics like inheritance and mortality. Providing clear, compassionate guidance on these topics and highlighting the importance of financial planning for peace of mind and family security can help overcome hesitancy.

Q5: What role do ‘finfluencers’ play in the financial advice landscape, and are they a substitute for professional financial planning?
A5: ‘Finfluencers’ play a dual role in the financial advice landscape by filling an educational void and making financial knowledge more accessible, especially to younger audiences. However, they are not a substitute for professional financial planning. While ‘finfluencers’ can provide valuable insights, professional advisers offer personalised, accountable, and in-depth advice tailored to individual circumstances and goals.

Q6: Why is it important to work with a financial professional, considering the accessibility of low-cost, globally diversified investments?
A6: Working with a financial professional is paramount as they provide more than just investment recommendations; they ensure that financial strategies are meticulously aligned with individual goals, values, and life circumstances. A financial planner, for instance, adopts a holistic view, focusing on comprehensive life planning to ensure every aspect of a client’s financial plan supports their broader life aspirations. Contrastingly, a traditional financial adviser may concentrate on suggesting specific investments from particular brands. However, the distinction between planners and advisers is becoming increasingly nuanced with the rise of direct-to-consumer low-cost, globally diversified investment options. The true value of a financial professional today lies in their ability to integrate financial solutions into a coherent plan that addresses all facets of a client’s life, providing tailored asset strategies that transcend simple product recommendations.

These Q&As aim to further elucidate the article’s core messages, promoting a deeper understanding of the importance of aligning financial advice with clients’ broader life goals.

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