Creating Income as a Financial Planner: Leveraging Human Capital for Sustainable Revenue

In the dynamic landscape of financial planning, the traditional paradigms often focus on managing financial capital, overlooking the vast potential of human capital. Financial planners can significantly enhance their clients' income streams by recognising and leveraging their human capital, a concept extensively studied and endorsed by leading institutions such as the CFA Institute and the … Continue reading Creating Income as a Financial Planner: Leveraging Human Capital for Sustainable Revenue

The Growing Concern of Impact-Washing in Social Investing

The Growing Concern of Impact-Washing in Social Investing At the Academy of Life Planning, we are dedicated to fostering transparency, integrity, and true social value in financial planning. Recently, a thought-provoking article by Mick McAteer of the Financial Inclusion Centre has brought to light a significant issue in the social investing sector: impact-washing. As champions … Continue reading The Growing Concern of Impact-Washing in Social Investing